Monday, October 1, 2012

Believing Game Part 1

 I believe NASCAR is a sport and should be considered by everyone to be a sport. Not everyone can get behind the wheel of one of those and drive. It takes a lot of skill to drive one of those cars. Driving at those high speeds, just one slight tap can cause you to lose control of your car, or crash into the wall. Those drivers are at risk every time they go out on the track. There is also strategy when it comes to racing. For example, managing your fuel well so you don’t run out and have to go to the pits on the last lap and lose your chance of winning. NASCAR is indeed a sport.

1 comment:

  1. I believe you disagree with NASCAR being a sport. There is not much you have to do to be able to drive a car at a fast speed. At least not as demanding as other physical sports.
