"The Dark Knight Rises" movie just came out on DVD today. Not only that, but one of the vehicles in the movie has moved to an exhibit. In David Undercoffler's article "'Dark Knight Rises': Tumbler rumbles to Batmoblie exhibit" he explains how the Batmobile from the previous movies is now making its final run, a run to an exhibit with all the other vehicles from past movies. David tells us that even at 30 mph, the Tumbler is loud. It can go up to 110 but you can't do it without earplugs and a full face helmet. To make five running Tumblers for the movie, director Christopher Nolan said it costed them millions. Personally I don't think I could ever drive one of those even with all that power. There are no side mirrors at all and no doors. Also, just the loudness of it would drive me crazy. I was a huge fan of the movie, and it is too bad to see it be put away. For now hopefully.
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