Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Journal 5

"Cheer, Cheer For Old Notre Dame?" is an article written by Charles P. Pierce. Pierce explains why he would rather not cheer for them. Right down to simplest terms he compares them to Yankee fans. As they can be unbearable and cocky, which we always hate fans like that. He explains how they have a chance to play in the National Championship game this year, as long as they win all their remaining games. So far there are three undefeated teams; Kansas State, Oregon, and Notre Dame. So if all of them remain undefeated you can see a problem there, three teams can't play in one game. Pierce explains how the system would most likely screw over Kansas State, that is if they don't lose any games. But who knows, maybe all three of them will lose their last game and then all of them would be out. Personally I hope Notre Dame loses. I don't believe they should be in the top five of the standings seeing as they have played no one so far. I am just tired of the media bragging up Notre Dame like they are the next best thing since sliced bread. 

Notre Dame Mascot: Google Images

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Journal 4

from Google Images
In the article, NFL Second-Half Predictions, by Bill Barnwell it is pretty self explanatory that it is about predictions for the second half of the football season. He explains how since it is halfway through the season, people are now beginning to make predictions. This means that even though our predictions will most likely be wrong, they will still be naive. All in all he says that anything can happen. There are several predictions he gives. The first is that the Texans will finish with the best record. I agree with this because the Texans have one of the best offenses and defenses in the league. And, there schedule isn't very tough with only two tough teams that standout the most. Two predictions of his that I disagree with are that the Falcons with be the top seed in the NFC and that the Packers will win the Super Bowl. Personally, I believe the Bears will have the top seed. Defense wins game and the Bears have a lot better defense than the Falcons. Secondly, even though I am a Packers fan, I don't think they have what  it takes to win the Super Bowl. Aaron Rodgers is the most sacked quarterback in the league right now and lets face it, it is hard to win with the quarterback on the ground. Just the way they have played, doesn't make them a contender to me. Who knows what will happen. Maybe the Colts will surprise everyone and make it to the Super Bowl, or maybe the Texans will fold and lose six straight. Anything thing can happen on any given sunday, and like Bill Barnwell said, " A lot can change in the course of a half-season."